Las amistades particulares y los chicos post-internet (2016-2020)
Series of drawings in watercolors and inks that investigates friendship rites and virile games between young men in the 2000s. Several pieces from this series were presented in various exhibitions and already belong to different collections.
Más en Colección DM :

DM collection

DM collection

Mis zapas;
watercolor on paper
60x75cm. Año: 2016
DM collection
watercolor on paper
60x75cm. Año: 2016
DM collection

Private collection

Espadeando. Acrylic on glass and used nike socks. Measurements: 90x90cm. Year: 2016

Na força grande de um Xangô menino; de la serie "guachines post-internet". Acuarela sobre papel. Medidas: 40x40cm. Año: 2016
private collection
private collection

Favela wave. Watercolor on paper. Measurements: 40x40cm. Year: 2016
private collection
private collection

private collection

private collection

private collection